
2003 OR 2002


2003-12-28 - Truely Lonely
2003-12-23 - Not Much To Say
2003-12-17 - My View on Religion
2003-12-14 - Officially Singing for the People?
2003-12-13 - Why do we have to fear?
2003-12-10 - Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful
2003-12-09 - il revient...
2003-12-07 - Mon R�ve
2003-12-01 - Hard to Talk to
2003-11-25 - Mirror
2003-11-23 - The Beatles
2003-11-22 - We're not Lazy
2003-11-21 - Memories
2003-11-20 - Quizzes Again
2003-11-19 - Labyrinth
2003-11-17 - Growing!
2003-11-15 - Accurate Quizzes
2003-11-15 - Nelly
2003-11-13 - Men and Their Clothing
2003-11-12 - Bored
2003-11-10 - Undress Me Now
2003-11-10 - HAha
2003-11-08 - Hard Work
2003-11-07 - Seasons
2003-11-06 - More Dashboard
2003-11-05 - For Tess
2003-11-05 - Know the Law, it will make you look less of an ass
2003-11-03 - My diet
2003-11-01 - Her
2003-11-01 - This world's not good enough
2003-10-29 - Horoscope on again
2003-10-23 - Lauren's House
2003-10-21 - PSAT
2003-10-18 - marlon brando
2003-10-11 - Zhou and Qin Dynasty
2003-10-08 - Surprises
2003-09-21 - Oh why must I be so stressed and busy
2003-09-13 - DC
2003-09-06 - Shocked
2003-09-05 - Bowling Ally
2003-09-02 - Flashbacks of Love
2003-09-01 - who are you
2003-09-01 - He loves me, he loves me not
2003-08-31 - Let's get together.. yeah, yeah, yeah
2003-08-30 - Arghh
2003-08-29 - My eyes
2003-08-29 - No emails! SHAME SHAME
2003-08-27 - A message to my readers
2003-08-27 - Music from hell Theory AP
2003-08-26 - Current Event
2003-08-25 - fun stuff
2003-08-24 - My Astrology!
2003-08-24 - still wants to
2003-08-21 - intelligent boy
2003-08-19 - My tatoo, got ink yet?
2003-08-18 - more
2003-08-16 - more more more
2003-08-16 - Lots of awesome quizes
2003-08-09 - coldplay quizes that tess, the best person on earth, helped me with!
2003-08-05 - blah blah san diego
2003-08-04 - Not always perfect
2003-07-28 - Diet
2003-07-26 - Events and Quizes
2003-07-24 - Old Broken Lyrics and Songs
2003-07-23 - The New Boy and a New Date?
2003-07-22 - Ahh.... I have found him
2003-07-21 - My new friend named Les Paul
2003-07-16 - Goodnight My Little Starlight
2003-07-13 - I'm On Acid!
2003-07-12 - Depression? I think not
2003-07-05 - the officially worst day of my life...
2003-07-04 - tHe OnE yEaR aNnIvErSaRy
2003-07-04 - Now and Then
2003-07-03 - I'm soo upset
2003-05-30 - Heads UP!
2003-05-25 - My week with friends
2003-05-16 - What to do?
2003-05-03 - A beautiful day with sad news
2003-05-02 - Song and Petition
2003-05-01 - SAVE A LIFE
2003-04-27 - A survey once again!
2003-04-20 - The ocean
2003-04-15 - ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2003-04-15 - Drawing a little
2003-04-13 - My love arrives!
2003-04-05 - My friends, or so I thought
2003-04-01 - Ashamed
2003-03-20 - Christianity and Love
2003-03-18 - Haven't told
2003-03-10 - Got to be kidding me!
2003-03-09 - I called the boy
2003-03-09 - My lil report
2003-03-06 - School and Research disaster
2003-02-28 - Quiz it
2003-02-25 - No Charm
2003-02-20 - At least I haven't turned into it
2003-02-17 - You asked
2003-02-16 - A collection of lyrics
2003-02-14 - The Beatles a gift to the 14th
2003-02-13 - A State of Panic
2003-02-12 - Sad.. eh
2003-01-30 - Romeo and Juliet
2003-01-28 - My Scheduale (sp?)
2003-01-25 - LOL
2003-01-25 - New Layout For Kat...hehehe
2003-01-23 - Like a Bumble Bee
2003-01-20 - Almost died...
2003-01-19 - HTML and ECLA
2003-01-19 - My band
2003-01-16 - Snowday
2003-01-15 - Seven
2003-01-15 - Bathroom stall
2003-01-11 - Doesn't Exist
2003-01-09 - Encounters of the wild
2003-01-02 - When no one seems to get along

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